Monday, October 5, 2009

Johnny's letter-draft

Johnny's Letter Draft:

Dear Premier,

My name is Johnny Brynelsen, with relation to Dana Brynelsen, the Provincial Coordinator on the Infant Development program of BC. It is with an extreme amount of duress that I write, having just received the news of Dana’s lay-off. I can not begin to explain to you, or anyone in your office, the amount of shock that I am in at the moment. The program that Dana and her office developed has become a standard in childcare over the past 34 years. The program is, as a matter of fact, as essential as the hospitals, fire departments, police departments and the British Columbia Ambulance Service. The decision to close such an essential service has bewildered so many people across British Columbia . The program, has not only become internationally known, but has also touched the lives of so many children and families across British Columbia . It has been well known as one of the most cost-effective and efficiently run Government services within British Columbia and should be the last thing that should be cut.

I am not sure that you are aware of what exactly the program does, because if you were aware, you would understand the importance of this program. Mr. Premier, before I sign off on this letter, I feel that I need to make something very clear to you. I want you to do something simple, please put yourself in the shoes of two young parents, with a child that is born with Down syndrome. This is your first child, which is a scary enough experience, let alone having a first child with a serious disability. You have no idea what to do and you are scared. But there is (or was) a light at the end of the tunnel for you, the IDP called you, and offered to assist you. They guided you through the beginning months of helping and treating your child, and you weren’t just shoved out into the world, alone. Now think about this, and think about not having that program there to assist parents, help people and most importantly of all, and help guide the children of tomorrow, especially the ones with disabilities. Sir, I ask you to look deep inside yourself, and really see if you want to be the parent, out their alone with no help for your child. Then tell me if you still think this program needs to be cut.

Now, before you reply to this letter, please understand that I am fully aware that you are placing people in to replace Dana, and her employee’s. But I am also fully aware that these said people have no training, no prior background, and absolutely, without any doubt can not provide the care and attention that the people that have thirty-four years of experience in this field. Please re-read the previous paragraph carefully, because the story inside that letter is something that could happen to me in the upcoming years, when I get married and have a child, it could happen to all 207 staff members and all 446 students in my school. Not only that it could happen to any one of the 3,907,738 residents of British Columbia (2001 census). Personally, I believe that the 3,907,738 would be willing to pitch at least one dollar to the program and I do know for a fact that $3,907,738 would run the program beautifully. Please find attached the signatures of people in just my school that would be willing to pledge one dollar to the cause. I know I could find more, but this is just a start.

Thank you,
Sincerely yours,

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